
Take your mind for a walk




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How do walking enhance thinking and awareness? NB. Dette webinaret er på engelsk.

How do walking enhance thinking and awareness?

An active lifestyle improves our thinking and awareness. Walking has long been associated with intellectual pursuits. Famous persons from Aristotle to Steve Jobs have been known for using walking as an important tool for thinking. On the other side, research indicates that too much sitting is more harmful for us than smoking or poor diet.

Together with psychologist Mia Keinänen we'll take a look at the danger of sitting and what happens with our minds when we are active. Mia is a former professional dancer and holds a PhD where she researched on how physical activity affects the brain and thought processes.

  • Dangers of too much sitting
  • Why could walking help thinking?
  • Findings
  • What to do?
  • Taking our minds for a walk

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Mia Keinänen

Mia Keinänen er en finsk psykolog PhD. Hun er en tidligere profesjonell danser og har en PhD fra Harvard der hun studerte hvordan fysisk aktivitet påvirker hjernen og kognitiveprosesser. Mia har jobbet og forsket ved Norges Idrettshøyskole og jobber i dag som psykologisk rådgiver som spesialiserer seg på vurdering og utviklingsarbeid globalt.